Construindo Pontes

Construindo Pontes

Pesquisa-Construindo-PontesPDF A publicação Construindo Pontes revela os dados de uma pesquisa realizada entre 2018 e 2020 sobre as 16 favelas que compõem a Maré, na cidade do Rio de Janeiro,…
Road Freight in ASEAN

Road Freight in ASEAN

By Association of Southeast Asian Nations Asean Covid-19 Guidelines | (PDF)Baixar Bangkok, Jakarta, Paris, 18 February 2021 - ASEAN Member States will have new tools to help them address issues related to road…
Decarbonising Azerbaijan’s Transport System

Decarbonising Azerbaijan’s Transport System

Charting the Way Forward This paper reviews opportunities and challenges for mitigating greenhouse gas emissions from Azerbaijan’s transport sector. It provides an overview of Azerbaijan’s transport system and reviews the country’s…